Monday, 2 May 2005

My weekend

Well... I have been through such a hectic weekend..... eventhough i ahve a weekbreak.... :(

1) well i went to both NLCWEST BEC and BAC....... hm... what happen there.... talk to couple of ppl from CISWA, NUSWEST ETC... things seem to go well but guess what... i actually don't know what i have got me into by running the Branch Convenor position. Currently, my mind is full of thought about how to imporve eveything i do... including my studies.....

2) welll what you know,.... i lock myself out of my car... and have to pay like $164 for a $64 membership to RAC roadside assistance... :(. well bad luck... for me but now i know that i am covered for one year for any roadside assistance. :P

3) Me and my dear is getting closer and closer every single day. feel like our heart seem to start understanding one another thought and feeling. well still not prefect but getting there... :D

4) assignment.... heheheh half way through got to finish it by today or else i am doom.. :(

5) lost in the sea... guess i am not> :P prefectly fine... will strive for the bettermen of my future.... from now onwards

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